Wireless A/V Extender Transmitter and Receiver for CCTV Camera
Article from: Wireless A/V Transmitter and Receiver for CCTV Camera
Wireless PAT-380 A/V Sender/Extender for CCTV Camera

Nowadays, camera has become more and more popular for security, at the same times, more and more cable was around the house, How to fix it? Some of people may be use IP Camera, some may use wireless transmitter/receiver(av extender).
IP Camera may easy to use and connect, just connect the camera with network then the user can watch the camera video at mobile phone or PC end by APP. Some area may be only 2G for mobile phone and PC is very rare, if in this condition both camera and monitor need to connect with network is not available, then their have to use cctv camera.
But each cctv camera has one cable at least and has to connect with monitor, so it may be a little difficulty to passed the wall or floor, so that’s why some of clients need wireless av transmitter and receiver. PAKITE Wireless av transceiver PAT-380 is designed for cctv camera.
PAT-380 wireless av sender is 2.4ghz frequency band, support 700 meter transmission range, but PAT-380 has two antenna box, as you know antenna box transmission is by point to point, so user have to make sure two of antenna box is face to face, so it can transmit audio video successful. The antenna box of PAT-380 av sender is waterproof, so it can be install at outside.
And now we are design another cctv camera wireless transmitter and receiver, new one with small size and also waterproof, if you are interesting, welcome to contact with PAKITE.